D2 Boys

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                                       HY-TEK's Meet Manager 2/14/2015 06:59 PM
               2015 VT INDOOR T&F STATE CHAMPIONSHIP - 2/14/2015               
                               Div.I and Div.II                                
                                  Norwich, VT                                  
Boys 55 Meter Dash Division II
Div II Indoo: &  6.74  2/8/2014    Matt Clark, Fair Haven VT                   
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Carter, Jalen             10 U-32                     X6.86Q  2 
  2 Emerson, Sam              12 Thetford Aca             X6.89Q  1 
  3 Williams, Jordain         11 Rice Memoria              6.90q  2 
  4 Beard, Seth                9 Harwood Unio             X7.07q  2 
  5 Diezel, Kyle              12 Mt Saint Jos              7.14q  1 
  6 Crowell, Sebby            12 Vergennes Un              7.20q  1 
  7 Parenteau, Chris          11 Thetford Aca             X7.23q  2 
  8 Norris, Wyatt             11 Middlebury U             X7.27q  1 
  9 Wright, Zack               - Lyndon Insti              7.31q  1 
 10 Leach, Chris              12 Vergennes Un              7.47q  2 
 11 McAllister, Peyton        11 Missisquoi V              7.49q  1 
 12 Lindel, Andrew            12 Mt Saint Jos              7.50q  2 
Boys 55 Meter Dash Division II
Div II Indoo: &  6.74  2/8/2014    Matt Clark, Fair Haven VT                   
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Emerson, Sam              12 Thetford Aca             X6.89   2 
  2 Williams, Jordain         11 Rice Memoria              6.91   2  10   
  3 Carter, Jalen             10 U-32                     X6.95   2 
  4 Beard, Seth                9 Harwood Unio             X7.06   2 
  5 Diezel, Kyle              12 Mt Saint Jos              7.14   2   8   
  6 Wright, Zack               - Lyndon Insti              7.32   1   6   
  7 Lindel, Andrew            12 Mt Saint Jos              7.35   1   4   
  8 Crowell, Sebby            12 Vergennes Un              7.35   2   2   
  9 Norris, Wyatt             11 Middlebury U             X7.39   1 
 10 Leach, Chris              12 Vergennes Un              7.41   1   1   
  7 Parenteau, Chris          11 Thetford Aca                X      
 11 McAllister, Peyton        11 Missisquoi V                       
Boys 300 Meter Dash Division II
Div II Indoo: & 38.25  2/8/2014    Matt Clark, Fair Haven VT                   
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Williams, Jordain         11 Rice Memoria             37.71&  6  10   
  2 Chapman, Cole             12 Thetford Aca            X37.87&  6 
  3 Griffin, Dylan            11 Oxbow                    38.99   5   8   
  4 Buskey, Max               12 Sharon Acade             39.25   6   6   
  5 Bardos, Laszlo            12 Thetford Aca            X39.33   6 
  6 Diezel, Kyle              12 Mt Saint Jos             39.51   5   4   
  7 Lindel, Andrew            12 Mt Saint Jos             39.56   5   2   
  8 Witke-Mele, Noah           9 U-32                    X39.78   5 
  9 Crowell, Sebby            12 Vergennes Un             40.33   4   1   
 10 Cunningham, Griffin       12 Rice Memoria             40.97   4 
 11 Norris, Wyatt             11 Middlebury U            X41.13   3 
 12 Yacawych, Warren          11 Northfield              X41.54   2 
 13 Fuller, Alton             11 Windsor                  41.99   3 
 14 Whitecloud, Sage          10 Thetford Aca            X42.37   4 
 15 Carter, Chris             12 Mt Abraham              X42.44   2 
 16 Morris, Damien             9 Middlebury U            X43.06   4 
 17 Bean, Rory                11 Lyndon Insti             43.08   3 
 18 Legge, Zachary            11 Lyndon Insti             43.09   3 
 19 Stommel, Noah             10 Thetford Aca            X43.29   1 
 20 Pochop, Ethan             11 Rice Memoria             43.31   2 
 21 Barber, Austin            11 Hartford                 43.90   1 
 22 Bailey, Clayton           12 Hartford                 44.62   1 
Boys 600 Meter Run Division II
Div II Indoo: & 1:29.44  2/8/2015    Max Buskey, Sharon VT                     
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Buskey, Max               12 Sharon Acade           1:29.98   10   
  2 Cunningham, Griffin       12 Rice Memoria           1:32.88    8   
  3 Melen, Joshua             10 Fair Haven U           1:33.50    6   
  4 Stommel, Noah             10 Thetford Aca          X1:37.77  
  5 Carter, Chris             12 Mt Abraham            X1:40.12  
  6 Nichols, Isaac            11 Fair Haven U           1:41.60    4   
  7 Morris, Damien             9 Middlebury U          X1:42.89  
  8 Reardon, Aidan            11 Spaulding              1:45.67    2   
  9 Provencher, Xavier        11 Vergennes Un           1:47.26    1   
Boys 1000 Meter Run Division II
Div II Indoo: & 2:51.84  2/8/2014    Oliver Wood, Rice Mem VT                  
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Moore, William            12 Bellows Fall           2:58.40   10   
  2 Yacawych, Warren          11 Northfield            X3:00.46  
  3 Dickin, Sam               10 Rice Memoria           3:01.84    8   
  4 Mundy, Ian                12 Thetford Aca          X3:02.54  
  5 Lopez, Julio              11 Thetford Aca          X3:06.65  
  6 Parenti, Christian        12 Thetford Aca          X3:07.51  
  7 Mattson, Ian              11 Springfield           X3:08.07  
  8 Wagner, Daniel            10 Rice Memoria           3:16.00    6   
  9 Mayr, Max                  9 Spaulding              3:17.62    4   
 10 Ferro, Mike                9 Milton                X3:19.76  
 11 Sadik, Hussein            10 Winooski              X3:21.29  
 12 Doiron, Zach              11 Windsor                3:21.84    2   
Boys 1600 Meter Run Division II
Div II Indoo: & 4:34.64  2/8/2015    William Moore, Bellows Fall VT            
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Moore, William            12 Bellows Fall           4:37.45   10   
          34.84 (34.84)    1:09.15 (34.31)    1:44.10 (34.95)    2:20.06 (35.96)
        2:56.33 (36.27)    3:33.22 (36.89)    4:07.03 (33.81)    4:36.90 (29.87)
  2 Yacawych, Warren          11 Northfield            X4:39.27  
          35.48 (35.48)    1:09.82 (34.34)    1:44.54 (34.72)    2:20.90 (36.36)
        2:56.69 (35.79)    3:33.32 (36.63)    4:06.72 (33.40)    4:38.71 (31.99)
  3 LaCroix, Will             12 Rice Memoria           4:52.34    8   
          35.46 (35.46)    1:09.65 (34.19)    1:44.15 (34.50)    2:20.42 (36.27)
        2:56.89 (36.47)    3:34.27 (37.38)    4:09.75 (35.48)    4:51.63 (41.88)
  4 Fleming, Liam             11 Thetford Aca          X4:54.95  
          35.92 (35.92)    1:11.15 (35.23)    1:47.04 (35.89)    2:24.21 (37.17)
        3:02.34 (38.13)    3:40.64 (38.30)    4:17.35 (36.71)    4:54.68 (37.33)
  5 Dickin, Sam               10 Rice Memoria           4:57.57    6   
          35.35 (35.35)    1:10.90 (35.55)    1:46.82 (35.92)    2:23.99 (37.17)
        3:02.23 (38.24)    3:40.92 (38.69)    4:18.89 (37.97)    4:57.16 (38.27)
  6 Mattoon, Elisha           10 Chelsea                5:11.85    4   
          37.24 (37.24)    1:13.97 (36.73)    1:54.41 (40.44)    2:35.38 (40.97)
        3:15.92 (40.54)    3:56.81 (40.89)    4:36.67 (39.86)    5:11.38 (34.71)
  7 Landis, Willem             9 Middlebury U          X5:12.15  
          39.15 (39.15)    1:16.82 (37.67)    1:55.91 (39.09)    2:35.32 (39.41)
        3:15.23 (39.91)    3:55.84 (40.61)    4:35.32 (39.48)    5:11.54 (36.22)
  8 Wagner, Daniel            10 Rice Memoria           5:22.57    2   
          36.29 (36.29)    1:15.67 (39.38)    1:57.13 (41.46)    2:39.29 (42.16)
        3:22.29 (43.00)    4:06.65 (44.36)    4:47.89 (41.24)    5:22.18 (34.29)
  9 Tallent, Cody             10 Bellows Fall           5:24.04    1   
          39.45 (39.45)    1:17.15 (37.70)    1:55.98 (38.83)    2:36.66 (40.68)
        3:19.31 (42.65)    4:02.58 (43.27)    4:45.07 (42.49)    5:23.62 (38.55)
 10 Popke, Zach                9 Milton                X5:31.44  
          39.70 (39.70)    1:18.10 (38.40)    1:58.10 (40.00)    2:40.22 (42.12)
        3:23.48 (43.26)    4:08.70 (45.22)    4:53.01 (44.31)    5:31.17 (38.16)
 11 Wood, Owen                11 Rice Memoria           5:32.41  
          39.16 (39.16)    1:17.16 (38.00)    1:56.44 (39.28)    2:39.02 (42.58)
        3:22.77 (43.75)    4:07.68 (44.91)    4:52.59 (44.91)    5:31.79 (39.20)
Boys 3200 Meter Run Division II
Div II Indoo: & 10:38.79  2/8/2014    Liam Fleming, Thetford VT                
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 LaCroix, Will             12 Rice Memoria          10:20.67&  10   
          39.01 (39.01)    1:16.79 (37.78)    1:53.92 (37.13)    2:31.48 (37.56)
        3:09.29 (37.81)    3:48.08 (38.79)    4:27.71 (39.63)    5:07.49 (39.78)
        5:48.81 (41.32)    6:29.57 (40.76)    7:10.41 (40.84)    7:51.42 (41.01)
        8:31.37 (39.95)    9:06.79 (35.42)    9:43.67 (36.88)   10:20.17 (36.50)
  2 Fleming, Liam             11 Thetford Aca         X10:38.05& 
          38.56 (38.56)    1:16.34 (37.78)    1:53.66 (37.32)    2:31.03 (37.37)
        3:09.08 (38.05)    3:47.95 (38.87)    4:27.07 (39.12)    5:07.29 (40.22)
        5:48.28 (40.99)    6:28.94 (40.66)    7:09.66 (40.72)    7:51.22 (41.56)
        8:32.63 (41.41)    9:14.20 (41.57)    9:56.19 (41.99)   10:37.43 (41.24)
  3 Landis, Willem             9 Middlebury U         X11:11.28  
          39.99 (39.99)    1:21.18 (41.19)    2:02.39 (41.21)    2:43.33 (40.94)
        3:24.79 (41.46)    4:06.84 (42.05)    4:48.80 (41.96)    5:30.85 (42.05)
        6:13.93 (43.08)    6:57.44 (43.51)    7:40.85 (43.41)    8:24.02 (43.17)
        9:07.40 (43.38)    9:49.58 (42.18)   10:32.68 (43.10)   11:10.91 (38.23)
  4 Parenti, Christian        12 Thetford Aca         X11:13.49  
          41.96 (41.96)    1:21.58 (39.62)    2:02.41 (40.83)    2:42.83 (40.42)
        3:23.59 (40.76)    4:05.28 (41.69)    4:46.74 (41.46)    5:29.88 (43.14)
        6:12.37 (42.49)    6:56.17 (43.80)    7:39.38 (43.21)    8:23.42 (44.04)
        9:07.36 (43.94)    9:50.04 (42.68)   10:32.80 (42.76)   11:12.83 (40.03)
  5 Atkins, Henry             12 Rice Memoria          11:44.64    8   
          41.29 (41.29)    1:23.56 (42.27)    2:06.17 (42.61)    2:50.43 (44.26)
        3:34.05 (43.62)    4:18.81 (44.76)    5:03.62 (44.81)    5:49.18 (45.56)
        6:34.13 (44.95)    7:19.05 (44.92)    8:04.34 (45.29)    8:50.01 (45.67)
        9:33.81 (43.80)   10:18.66 (44.85)   11:03.74 (45.08)   11:44.35 (40.61)
  6 Tallent, Cody             10 Bellows Fall          11:49.04    6   
          40.82 (40.82)    1:22.61 (41.79)    2:05.61 (43.00)    2:50.80 (45.19)
        3:35.00 (44.20)    4:19.78 (44.78)    5:04.60 (44.82)    5:49.57 (44.97)
        6:32.86 (43.29)    7:18.55 (45.69)    8:03.89 (45.34)    8:49.41 (45.52)
        9:33.22 (43.81)   10:16.61 (43.39)   10:59.71 (43.10)   11:48.43 (48.72)
  7 Kitchin, Kyle             11 Fair Haven U          11:57.71    4   
          40.95 (40.95)    1:23.19 (42.24)    2:05.78 (42.59)    2:50.51 (44.73)
        3:34.58 (44.07)    4:19.35 (44.77)    5:03.88 (44.53)    5:49.49 (45.61)
        6:34.55 (45.06)    7:19.49 (44.94)    8:05.02 (45.53)    8:50.70 (45.68)
        9:37.77 (47.07)   10:26.36 (48.59)   11:14.82 (48.46)   11:57.20 (42.38)
  8 Wood, Owen                11 Rice Memoria          11:58.14    2   
          42.19 (42.19)    1:23.95 (41.76)    2:06.69 (42.74)    2:51.35 (44.66)
        3:35.53 (44.18)    4:19.83 (44.30)    5:04.74 (44.91)    5:49.57 (44.83)
        6:34.98 (45.41)    7:20.12 (45.14)    8:06.10 (45.98)    8:53.79 (47.69)
        9:42.51 (48.72)   10:30.18 (47.67)   11:16.89 (46.71)   11:57.71 (40.82)
  9 Froehlich, Nathaniel      12 Thetford Aca         X12:17.36  
          42.08 (42.08)    1:23.93 (41.85)    2:06.70 (42.77)    2:51.22 (44.52)
        3:35.83 (44.61)    4:21.65 (45.82)    5:09.06 (47.41)    5:54.81 (45.75)
        6:43.20 (48.39)    7:31.97 (48.77)    8:20.25 (48.28)    9:09.89 (49.64)
        9:59.33 (49.44)   10:47.99 (48.66)   11:36.37 (48.38)   12:16.70 (40.33)
Boys 55 Meter Hurdles Division II
Div II Indoo: &  8.44  2/8/2014    Griffin Cunningham, Rice Mem VT             
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Cunningham, Griffin       12 Rice Memoria            & 8.10Q  1 
  2 Beauregard, Austin        12 Fair Haven U            & 8.21Q  2 
  3 Chapman, Cole             12 Thetford Aca           & X8.22q  1 
  4 Brown, Jack               12 Lyndon Insti            & 8.35q  2 
  5 Parenteau, Chris          11 Thetford Aca           & X8.41q  2 
  6 Fuller, Alton             11 Windsor                   8.78q  1 
  7 Witke-Mele, Noah           9 U-32                     X9.04q  2 
  8 Bean, Rory                11 Lyndon Insti              9.38q  1 
  9 Ntabana, Brian             - Lyndon Insti              9.58q  2 
 10 Puffer, Jon               10 Oxbow                    10.22q  1 
 11 Toborg, Christopher       10 Spaulding                10.75q  2 
Boys 55 Meter Hurdles Division II
Div II Indoo: &  8.44  2/8/2014    Griffin Cunningham, Rice Mem VT             
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Cunningham, Griffin       12 Rice Memoria              8.02&  2  10   
  2 Chapman, Cole             12 Thetford Aca             X8.20&  2 
  3 Brown, Jack               12 Lyndon Insti              8.37&  2   8   
  4 Parenteau, Chris          11 Thetford Aca             X8.40&  2 
  5 Fuller, Alton             11 Windsor                   8.87   2   6   
  6 Witke-Mele, Noah           9 U-32                     X8.95   1 
  7 Bean, Rory                11 Lyndon Insti              9.45   1   4   
  8 Puffer, Jon               10 Oxbow                     9.48   1   2   
  9 Toborg, Christopher       10 Spaulding                10.74   1   1   
 -- Beauregard, Austin        12 Fair Haven U                FS   2 
 -- Ntabana, Brian             - Lyndon Insti                FS   1 
Boys 4x200 Meter Relay Division II
Div II Indoo: & 1:39.29  2/8/2014    Fair Haven UHS VT, Fair Haven VT          
                         I Knapp, M Clark, A Beauregard, T Kearns          
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Thetford Academy  'A'                              X1:40.10   2 
     1) Lopez, Julio 11                 2) Parenteau, Chris 11            
     3) Emerson, Sam 12                 4) Bardos, Laszlo 12              
  2 Fair Haven Union  'A'                               1:43.00   2  10   
     1) Beauregard, Austin 12           2) Briggs, Mike 12                
     3) Knapp, Ian 12                   4) Reed, Will 12                  
  3 Lyndon Institute  'A'                               1:48.59   1   8   
     1) Bean, Rory 11                   2) Legge, Zachary 11              
     3) Wright, Zack -                  4) Ntabana, Brian -               
  4 Spaulding  'A'                                      1:51.20   2   6   
     1) Gresty, Jake 12                 2) Ryan, Holden 12                
     3) Smith, Damian 9                 4) Reardon, Aidan 11              
  5 Rice Memorial  'A'                                  1:51.48   1   4   
     1) Thornton, Cole 10               2) Pochop, Ethan 11               
     3) Wood, Owen 11                   4) Slauterbeck, Andrew 9          
 -- Windsor  'A'                                             DQ   1  Outside Exchange
     1) Lyon, Kyle 12                   2) Doiron, Zach 11                
     3) Fuller, Alton 11                4) Fan, Allen 10                  
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay Division II
Div II Indoo: & 3:48.05  2/8/2014    Fair Haven UHS VT, Fair Haven VT          
                         G McIntyre, A Beauregard, T Kearns, J Melen       
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Thetford Academy  'A'                              X3:45.92& 
     1) Lopez, Julio 11                 2) Bardos, Laszlo 12              
     3) Mundy, Ian 12                   4) Chapman, Cole 12               
  2 Fair Haven Union  'A'                               3:50.95   10   
     1) Beauregard, Austin 12           2) Knapp, Ian 12                  
     3) Reed, Will 12                   4) Melen, Joshua 10               
  3 Rice Memorial  'A'                                  3:53.84    8   
     1) Dickin, Sam 10                  2) Cunningham, Griffin 12         
     3) Williams, Jordain 11            4) LaCroix, Will 12               
  4 Lyndon Institute  'A'                               4:06.55    6   
     1) Bean, Rory 11                   2) Brown, Jack 12                 
     3) Wright, Zack -                  4) Ntabana, Brian -               
Boys 4x800 Meter Relay Division II
Div II Indoo: & 9:05.12  2/8/2014    Rice Memorial HS Burlington VT, Rice Mem V
                         G Carney-Knisely, S Dickin, W LaCroix, O Wood     
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Fair Haven Union  'A'                               9:16.29   10   
     1) Knapp, Ian 12                   2) Nichols, Isaac 11              
     3) Reed, Will 12                   4) Melen, Joshua 10               
  2 Thetford Academy  'A'                              X9:16.63  
     1) Mundy, Ian 12                   2) Fleming, Liam 11               
     3) Parenti, Christian 12           4) Lopez, Julio 11                
  3 Rice Memorial  'A'                                  9:29.38    8   
     1) Dickin, Sam 10                  2) Atkins, Henry 12               
     3) Wood, Owen 11                   4) LaCroix, Will 12               
  4 Spaulding  'A'                                     10:18.40    6   
     1) Ryan, Holden 12                 2) Reardon, Aidan 11              
     3) Mayr, Max 9                     4) Mayr, Noah 12                  
             Women - Division I - Team Rankings - 15 Events Scored
    1) St Johnsbury               180        2) Essex                     160   
    3) South Burlington            60        4) Burlington                 30   
    5) Rutland Senior               8        5) Mt Anthony Union            8   
    7) Mt Mansfield Union           4                                           
            Women - Division II - Team Rankings - 15 Events Scored
    1) Rice Memorial              122        2) Oxbow                      95   
    3) Windsor                     59        4) Lyndon Institute           32   
    4) Missisquoi Valley Union     32        6) Lake Region Union          31   
    6) Spaulding                   31        8) Fair Haven Union           24   
    9) Hartford                    10       10) Vergennes Union             9   
   11) Chelsea                      8       11) Bellows Falls Union         8   
              Men - Division I - Team Rankings - 15 Events Scored
    1) South Burlington           192        2) Burlington                 81   
    3) St Johnsbury                72        4) Essex                      43   
    5) Mt Anthony Union            26        5) Mt Mansfield Union         26   
    7) Rutland Senior              13                                           
              Men - Division II - Team Rankings - 15 Events Scored
    1) Rice Memorial              118        2) Fair Haven Union           52   
    3) Lyndon Institute            45        4) Spaulding                  41   
    5) Oxbow                       40        6) Bellows Falls Union        27   
    7) Windsor                     22        8) Vergennes Union            21   
    9) Mt Saint Joseph             18       10) Sharon Academy             16   
   11) Missisquoi Valley Union     14       12) Hartford                   10   
   13) Chelsea                      4