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Womens Results Jump to
Boys 100 Meters Varsity - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 12 Ian Clough 11.00h St Johnsbury
2. 12 Collin Urie 11.60h PR St Johnsbury
3. 12 Wade McAllister 11.70h PR Enosburg Falls
4. 11 Lucais Vincent 11.80h PR Enosburg Falls
5. 12 Brandon Mach 12.10h PR St Johnsbury
6. 10 Ethan Sarault 12.20h PR North Country Union
7. 10 Alex Carlisle 12.40h St Johnsbury
7. 9 Kelton Snyder 12.40h PR Enosburg Falls
9. 9 Cameron Messier 12.50h PR Lyndon Institute
10. 10 Mason Svagg 12.70h Lake Region Union
11. 9 Andrew Hicks 12.80h PR Lake Region Union
11. 10 Jacob Lacaillade 12.80h PR St Johnsbury
11. 10 Cesar Ye 12.80h St Johnsbury
11. 11 Chad Royer 12.80h Lake Region Union
15. 12 Dallas Bradley 12.90h PR North Country Union
15. 12 Gabriel Reznik 12.90h PR St Johnsbury
17. 9 Sam Austin 13.00h North Country Union
17. 10 Connor Chicoine 13.00h PR Enosburg Falls
19. 10 Lamin Latikka 13.10h PR St Johnsbury
19. 9 Logan Jette 13.10h Enosburg Falls
19. 9 David Ao 13.10h St Johnsbury
19. 10 Alex Haugwitz 13.10h North Country Union
19. 10 Orrin Olmstead 13.10h SR St Johnsbury
24. 11 Shane Hill 13.40h Enosburg Falls
25. 11 Sean Yuan 13.80h PR Lyndon Institute
25. 12 Daniel Nieh 13.80h St Johnsbury
25. 9 Aaron Chien 13.80h St Johnsbury
28. 11 Ethan Simpson 13.90h PR Lyndon Institute
29. 10 Alex Fearino 14.00h North Country Union
30. 9 Jake Paquette 14.10h Lyndon Institute
30. 11 Patrick Favreau 14.10h Lyndon Institute
32. 9 David Goss 14.30h Lyndon Institute
32. 11 Jerry Chang 14.30h PR St Johnsbury
34. 9 Lawrence Degeorge 14.40h Lyndon Institute
35. 9 Arne Bannach 14.60h PR North Country Union
36. 10 Wesley Swanson 15.00h PR North Country Union
10 Derrick Breault DNS North Country Union
9 Darion Forbes DNS North Country Union
11 Antonio Carlisle DNS St Johnsbury
11 Riley Urie DNS Lake Region Union
10 Lance Abella DNS St Johnsbury
12 Ethan Roberts DNS St Johnsbury
200 Meters Varsity - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 12 Ian Clough 22.90h SR St Johnsbury
2. 12 Korey Simons 23.50h St Johnsbury
3. 12 Lintaro Miyashin 25.10h PR St Johnsbury
4. 11 Matteo Dill 25.20h PR St Johnsbury
5. 11 Noah Glenshaw 25.70h PR St Johnsbury
6. 10 Ethan Sarault 25.80h North Country Union
6. 9 Cameron Messier 25.80h PR Lyndon Institute
8. 9 Kelton Snyder 26.20h PR Enosburg Falls
9. 12 Kenan Hajdarevic 26.30h PR St Johnsbury
10. 10 Cesar Ye 26.40h St Johnsbury
10. 12 Gabriel Reznik 26.40h PR St Johnsbury
12. 11 Chad Royer 26.70h SR Lake Region Union
13. 9 Logan Jette 27.00h Enosburg Falls
14. 9 Tyson Robitaille 27.10h PR North Country Union
15. 11 Shane Hill 27.30h Enosburg Falls
16. 10 Alex Haugwitz 27.40h PR North Country Union
17. 10 Trey Armbrister 27.90h PR St Johnsbury
18. 10 Adrian Burrington 28.70h PR St Johnsbury
19. 9 Jake Paquette 28.80h PR Lyndon Institute
20. 9 David Goss 28.90h PR Lyndon Institute
21. 9 Aaron Chien 29.20h St Johnsbury
22. 9 Lawrence Degeorge 29.30h Lyndon Institute
23. 11 Jerry Chang 29.40h PR St Johnsbury
24. 10 Philip Hubacek 29.90h PR North Country Union
25. 9 Malcolm Kimball 30.20h PR Lyndon Institute
26. 10 Wesley Swanson 31.10h PR North Country Union
10 Derrick Breault DNS North Country Union
10 Alex Fearino DNS North Country Union
9 Darion Forbes DNS North Country Union
9 Dylan Maibaum DNS North Country Union
12 Daniel Nieh DNS St Johnsbury
11 Nolan Buckingham DNS St Johnsbury
10 Orrin Olmstead DNS St Johnsbury
10 Lance Abella DNS St Johnsbury
12 Brandon Mach DNS St Johnsbury
11 Peter Mulcahy DNS St Johnsbury
400 Meters Varsity - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 12 Tre Wofford 56.00h SR St Johnsbury
2. 12 Devin Vanbockler 57.40h SR North Country Union
3. 12 Kenan Hajdarevic 57.70h St Johnsbury
4. 10 Mason Svagg 58.30h PR Lake Region Union
5. 9 Cameron Messier 59.50h PR Lyndon Institute
6. 12 Henok Palin 59.60h North Country Union
7. 10 Nathaniel Atkins 59.70h St Johnsbury
8. 9 Andrew Hicks 1:00.10h PR Lake Region Union
9. 11 Ethan Simpson 1:01.60h PR Lyndon Institute
10. 9 Tyson Robitaille 1:02.70h PR North Country Union
11. 9 Nicholas Ross 1:07.90h PR Enosburg Falls
12. 9 Dylan Maibaum 1:10.10h PR North Country Union
13. 9 Malcolm Kimball 1:13.00h PR Lyndon Institute
14. 9 Jorden Prue 1:13.40h PR Lake Region Union
15. 9 Tyrell Dowland 1:28.60h North Country Union
9 Darion Forbes DNS North Country Union
11 Riley Urie DNS Lake Region Union
800 Meters Varsity - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 11 Riley Fenoff 2:00.70h SR Danville
2. 11 Lucais Vincent 2:19.00h PR Enosburg Falls
3. 12 Camden Fort 2:19.70h North Country Union
4. 9 Thomas Bailey-Rowe 2:21.00h PR North Country Union
5. 10 Adrian Burrington 2:21.20h PR St Johnsbury
6. 11 Robbie Ianni 2:31.00h PR North Country Union
7. 9 Cole Royer 2:32.00h Lake Region Union
8. 9 Sebastian Whitcomb-Paulson 2:36.00h Lyndon Institute
9. 9 Josh Kelley 2:42.00h PR Lake Region Union
10. 11 Colin Gallagher 2:43.00h PR Lyndon Institute
11. 11 William Miller-Brown 2:53.00h SR Lyndon Institute
12 Zephryn Davis DNS Lyndon Institute
9 Tyrell Dowland DNS North Country Union
1500 Meters Varsity - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 9 Leo Desrochers 4:28.90h PR St Johnsbury
2. 10 Sajan Harvey 4:29.80h PR St Johnsbury
3. 10 Nathaniel Atkins 4:33.00h SR St Johnsbury
4. 10 Gage Hale 4:37.00h St Johnsbury
5. 10 Malik Joell 4:38.40h PR St Johnsbury
6. 11 Miguel Davila 4:39.00h PR St Johnsbury
7. 11 Rossen Goodwin 4:41.00h PR Lyndon Institute
8. 9 Mackay Breton 4:44.00h PR St Johnsbury
9. 12 Harper Wallace 4:49.00h PR St Johnsbury
10. 12 Lorenzo Whitcomb-Paulson 4:53.00h SR Lyndon Institute
11. 11 Nolan Buckingham 4:59.00h St Johnsbury
12. 11 Ethan Bushey 5:03.00h St Johnsbury
13. 11 Cameron Dwinnell 5:05.00h St Johnsbury
14. 10 Jack Fannon 5:06.00h PR St Johnsbury
15. 12 Yoshiki Hoshinaga 5:09.00h PR St Johnsbury
16. 10 Joe Brody 5:14.00h St Johnsbury
17. 11 Patrick Favreau 5:34.00h Lyndon Institute
18. 11 Colin Gallagher 5:38.00h PR Lyndon Institute
19. 9 James Wood 6:12.00h St Johnsbury
11 Avery Romp DNS St Johnsbury
11 Riley Fenoff DNS Danville
3000 Meters Varsity - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 11 Riley Fenoff 9:16.60h PR Danville
2. 11 Patrick Fogarty 9:20.40h PR St Johnsbury
3. 10 Mason Castle 10:03.40h PR St Johnsbury
4. 10 Ethan Eames 10:07.50h PR St Johnsbury
5. 11 Rossen Goodwin 10:34.90h Lyndon Institute
6. 10 Luke McCarthy 10:43.00h St Johnsbury
7. 12 Charlie Cahillane 10:53.00h St Johnsbury
8. 12 Lorenzo Whitcomb-Paulson 11:05.00h Lyndon Institute
11 Ralph Steyn DNS St Johnsbury
110m Hurdles - 39" Varsity - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 11 Kristian Baird 16.10h St Johnsbury
2. 11 Asher Solnit 16.30h PR St Johnsbury
3. 12 Tre Wofford 16.70h SR St Johnsbury
4. 11 Joe Wray 17.10h PR Lyndon Institute
4. 11 Riley Peterson 17.10h St Johnsbury
6. 12 John Abbott 17.30h PR Lyndon Institute
7. 10 Carter Barron 19.00h PR St Johnsbury
8. 10 Dylan Young 20.10h Lyndon Institute
9. 11 Tyler Amyot 20.50h PR North Country Union
10. 11 Mitchell Niles 20.60h PR North Country Union
11. 11 Andy Bantu 20.80h PR Lyndon Institute
12 Brandon Mach DNF St Johnsbury
300m Hurdles - 36" Varsity - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 11 Kristian Baird 44.40h St Johnsbury
2. 11 Asher Solnit 45.10h St Johnsbury
3. 12 Brandon Mach 45.40h PR St Johnsbury
3. 10 Dylan Young 45.40h PR Lyndon Institute
5. 10 Carter Barron 50.50h St Johnsbury
6. 11 Tyler Amyot 52.20h North Country Union
7. 11 Andy Bantu 54.30h Lyndon Institute
8. 11 Mitchell Niles 56.30h PR North Country Union
12 John Abbott DNS Lyndon Institute
11 Joe Wray DNS Lyndon Institute
4x100m Relay Varsity - Finals
PL YR - Mark Team
1 Korey Simons 46.70h St Johnsbury
2 Henok Palin 49.10h North Country Union
3 Shane Hill 49.20h Enosburg Falls
4 Seth Cornell 50.80h Lyndon Institute
5 Connor Chicoine 54.40h Enosburg Falls
4x400m Relay Varsity - Finals
PL YR - Mark Team
1 Kristian Baird 3:47.10h St Johnsbury
2 Tre Wofford 3:54.20h St Johnsbury
3 Henok Palin 4:02.80h North Country Union
4 Jakob Hanson 4:32.90h Enosburg Falls
5 Riley Urie 4:42.00h Lake Region Union
Cole Royer
Dustin Labounty
Jorden Prue
Josh Kelley DNS Lake Region Union
Codrin Cobzaru
Daniel Nieh
Adrian Burrington
Noah Glenshaw DNS St Johnsbury
Codrin Cobzaru
Daniel Nieh
Adrian Burrington
Noah Glenshaw DNS St Johnsbury
Codrin Cobzaru
Daniel Nieh
Adrian Burrington
Noah Glenshaw DNS St Johnsbury
Codrin Cobzaru
Daniel Nieh
Adrian Burrington
Noah Glenshaw DNS St Johnsbury
Michael Langham
Tom Emery
Dillon Ryan
Lane Baldauf DNS St Johnsbury
Gage Hale
Mackay Breton
Ethan Roberts
Avery Romp DNS St Johnsbury
Gage Hale
Mackay Breton
Ethan Roberts
Avery Romp DNS St Johnsbury
Gage Hale
Mackay Breton
Ethan Roberts
Avery Romp DNS St Johnsbury
Gage Hale
Mackay Breton
Ethan Roberts
Avery Romp DNS St Johnsbury
Gage Hale
Mackay Breton
Ethan Roberts
Avery Romp DNS St Johnsbury
Gage Hale
Mackay Breton
Ethan Roberts
Avery Romp DNS St Johnsbury
Sajan Harvey
Jayden Ming
Lamin Latikka
Jerry Chang DNS St Johnsbury
Sajan Harvey
Jayden Ming
Lamin Latikka
Jerry Chang DNS St Johnsbury
Sajan Harvey
Jayden Ming
Lamin Latikka
Jerry Chang DNS St Johnsbury
4x800m Relay Varsity - Finals
PL YR - Mark Team
1 Bodie Avery 9:02.00h St Johnsbury
2 Camden Fort 9:40.00h North Country Union
3 Seth Cornell 10:08.00h Lyndon Institute
Shot Put - 12lb Varsity - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 12 Aidan Hogan 46-08.00 PR North Country Union
2. 12 Tim Gray 45-08.50 North Country Union
3. 12 Ethan Roberts 42-03.50 St Johnsbury
4. 12 Brodie Talbot 40-04.00 St Johnsbury
5. 12 Branden Brill 36-04.50 PR Lyndon Institute
6. 11 Lucas Wooten 35-07.00 PR North Country Union
7. 10 Preston Bumps 34-09.50 Lyndon Institute
8. 11 Tom Emery 33-03.50 St Johnsbury
9. 12 Sam Baird 32-04.00 St Johnsbury
10. 12 Dustin Labounty 31-11.00 SR Lake Region Union
11. 12 Michael Punt 30-09.00 North Country Union
12. 12 Aidan Remillard 30-03.50 SR Enosburg Falls
13. 11 Sawyer Remillard 30-03.00 Enosburg Falls
14. 11 Shane Hill 29-04.50 Enosburg Falls
15. 11 Jakob Hanson 29-04.00 PR Enosburg Falls
16. 11 Jacob Doe 28-11.00 PR Enosburg Falls
17. 12 Alex Lahue 28-04.50 SR Enosburg Falls
18. 9 Lane Baldauf 24-10.00 St Johnsbury
19. 9 Dayton Blake 21-11.00 PR Lyndon Institute
20. 9 James Wood 21-05.00 St Johnsbury
21. 9 Shane Craig 21-01.00 North Country Union
10 Dillon Ryan DNS St Johnsbury
11 Riley Urie DNS Lake Region Union
12 Michael Langham DNS St Johnsbury
Discus - 1.6kg Varsity - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 12 Brodie Talbot 149-08 St Johnsbury
2. 12 Aidan Hogan 130-00.50 PR North Country Union
3. 10 Dillon Ryan 123-04.50 St Johnsbury
4. 11 Peter Mulcahy 109-08 SR St Johnsbury
5. 11 Sawyer Remillard 104-11 Enosburg Falls
6. 12 Tim Gray 104-08.50 North Country Union
7. 12 Branden Brill 104-01 Lyndon Institute
8. 12 Collin Urie 96-04 PR St Johnsbury
9. 12 Michael Langham 94-04 PR St Johnsbury
10. 10 Lamin Latikka 92-08 St Johnsbury
11. 12 Michael Punt 87-11 North Country Union
12. 12 Dustin Labounty 87-07 SR Lake Region Union
13. 11 Lucas Wooten 82-06 North Country Union
14. 12 Sam Baird 79-03.50 SR St Johnsbury
15. 11 Tom Emery 77-01.50 PR St Johnsbury
16. 11 Antonio Carlisle 70-00 PR St Johnsbury
17. 9 Lane Baldauf 52-09 St Johnsbury
18. 9 Shane Craig 48-10 PR North Country Union
19. 9 Dayton Blake 48-09 Lyndon Institute
12 Alex Lahue DNS Enosburg Falls
9 Jorden Prue DNS Lake Region Union
12 Ethan Roberts DNS St Johnsbury
Javelin - 800g Varsity - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 12 Aidan Hogan 148-07 North Country Union
2. 10 Lamin Latikka 127-00 PR St Johnsbury
3. 10 Dillon Ryan 125-07 St Johnsbury
4. 11 Chad Royer 107-04 PR Lake Region Union
5. 11 Ethan Bushey 100-05 SR St Johnsbury
6. 12 Branden Brill 95-09 PR Lyndon Institute
7. 12 Alex Lahue 84-02 PR Enosburg Falls
8. 9 Josh Kelley 84-01 PR Lake Region Union
9. 11 Sawyer Remillard 80-01 Enosburg Falls
10. 10 Connor Chicoine 77-03 Enosburg Falls
11. 10 Malik Joell 75-03 PR St Johnsbury
12. 10 Sajan Harvey 75-01 PR St Johnsbury
13. 9 Cole Royer 74-03 PR Lake Region Union
14. 10 Adrian Burrington 74-00 PR St Johnsbury
15. 9 Kelton Snyder 73-11 PR Enosburg Falls
16. 12 Daniel Nieh 70-11 PR St Johnsbury
17. 10 Jayden Ming 70-04 PR St Johnsbury
18. 10 Nathaniel Atkins 66-09 SR St Johnsbury
19. 11 Jacob Doe 65-01 Enosburg Falls
20. 9 Jorden Prue 64-04 PR Lake Region Union
21. 9 Dayton Blake 50-08 Lyndon Institute
9 Leo Desrochers DNS St Johnsbury
9 Nicholas Ross DNS Enosburg Falls
12 Codrin Cobzaru DNS St Johnsbury
9 Lane Baldauf DNS St Johnsbury
12 Collin Urie DNS St Johnsbury
12 Sam Baird DNS St Johnsbury
11 Peter Mulcahy FOUL St Johnsbury
11 Lucas Wooten DNS North Country Union
High Jump Varsity - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 12 John Abbott 6-00.00 PR Lyndon Institute
2. 12 Kyle Shaw 5-10.00 SR North Country Union
3. 10 Jacob Lacaillade 5-04.00 St Johnsbury
3. 10 Dylan Young 5-04.00 PR Lyndon Institute
3. 9 Sam Austin 5-04.00 North Country Union
6. 11 Riley Peterson 5-02.00 PR St Johnsbury
7. 11 Jerry Chang 4-10.00 St Johnsbury
7. 11 Peter Mulcahy 4-10.00 PR St Johnsbury
7. 12 Dallas Bradley 4-10.00 North Country Union
10 Lance Abella DNS St Johnsbury
10 Alex Carlisle DNS St Johnsbury
12 Wade McAllister DNS Enosburg Falls
11 Andy Bantu DNS Lyndon Institute
9 Arne Bannach DNS North Country Union
Pole Vault Varsity - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 11 Asher Solnit 12-00.00 St Johnsbury
2. 11 Riley Peterson 10-06.00 St Johnsbury
3. 11 Joe Wray 10-00.00 SR Lyndon Institute
4. 10 Orrin Olmstead 9-06.00 St Johnsbury
5. 10 Philip Hubacek 8-06.00 North Country Union
6. 10 Carter Barron 8-00.00 St Johnsbury
7. 12 Justin Mach 7-00.00 PR St Johnsbury
9 Arne Bannach DNS North Country Union
9 Leo Desrochers DNS St Johnsbury
9 Shane Craig DNS North Country Union
Long Jump Varsity - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 12 Ian Clough 20-04.00 PR St Johnsbury
2. 10 Alex Carlisle 19-07.25 St Johnsbury
3. 9 Logan Jette 18-09.00 Enosburg Falls
4. 12 John Abbott 18-02.50 PR Lyndon Institute
5. 12 Wade McAllister 17-11.50 Enosburg Falls
6. 9 Tyson Robitaille 17-10.00 PR North Country Union
7. 12 Kyle Shaw 17-09.50 North Country Union
8. 9 Kelton Snyder 17-09.00 PR Enosburg Falls
9. 12 Codrin Cobzaru 17-06.50 St Johnsbury
10. 12 Brodie Talbot 17-06.00 St Johnsbury
11. 10 Jacob Lacaillade 17-02.75 PR St Johnsbury
12. 9 Sam Austin 16-10.00 PR North Country Union
13. 10 Dillon Ryan 16-09.00 St Johnsbury
14. 11 Noah Glenshaw 16-07.50 St Johnsbury
14. 11 Lucais Vincent 16-07.50 Enosburg Falls
16. 10 Alex Fearino 16-07.00 PR North Country Union
17. 11 Antonio Carlisle 16-06.50 St Johnsbury
18. 11 Patrick Fogarty 16-03.00 PR St Johnsbury
19. 11 Mitchell Niles 13-09.00 North Country Union
20. 9 Dylan Maibaum 13-06.00 PR North Country Union
21. 9 Josh Kelley 12-08.50 PR Lake Region Union
10 Philip Hubacek DNS North Country Union
9 Andrew Hicks DNS Lake Region Union
9 David Ao DNS St Johnsbury
9 Darion Forbes DNS North Country Union
10 Lance Abella DNS St Johnsbury
12 Ethan Roberts DNS St Johnsbury
10 Carter Barron DNS St Johnsbury
12 Dallas Bradley DNS North Country Union
12 Lintaro Miyashin DNS St Johnsbury
12 Devin Vanbockler DNS North Country Union
Triple Jump Varsity - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 10 Alex Carlisle 41-04.00 St Johnsbury
2. 11 Matteo Dill 39-05.00 St Johnsbury
3. 12 Korey Simons 38-07.00 St Johnsbury
4. 10 Dylan Young 35-05.50 PR Lyndon Institute
5. 9 Tyson Robitaille 35-05.00 PR North Country Union
6. 12 Kyle Shaw 35-00.00 PR North Country Union
7. 11 Antonio Carlisle 34-09.00 PR St Johnsbury
11 Andy Bantu DNS Lyndon Institute
10 Alex Fearino DNS North Country Union
11 Mitchell Niles DNS North Country Union
9 David Ao DNS St Johnsbury
Girls 100 Meters Varsity - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 9 Alexis Lefaivre 12.80h North Country Union
2. 11 Katherine Cowan 12.90h PR St Johnsbury
3. 9 Hannah Davis 14.10h PR St Johnsbury
4. 11 Valeria Perez 14.20h PR St Johnsbury
4. 11 Melodee Martin 14.20h SR North Country Union
6. 9 Emma Nadeau 14.50h North Country Union
7. 11 Lara Spadoto 14.60h St Johnsbury
7. 12 Dehlia Wright 14.60h North Country Union
9. - Claudisha Curtis 14.70h PR Lyndon Institute
10. 10 Ryan Beloin 15.00h PR North Country Union
11. 11 Jocelyn Pike 15.10h Lyndon Institute
11. 12 Karolina Pokorna 15.10h PR Lyndon Institute
13. 9 Ruby Bunnell 15.20h PR North Country Union
13. 12 Athena Hendrick-Kelly 15.20h St Johnsbury
15. 10 Emma Downs 15.50h PR Lake Region Union
16. 9 Maria Manuela Dipace-Martinez 15.60h PR Lyndon Institute
17. 11 Brooklyn Szych-Brown 15.80h PR North Country Union
18. 9 Kamryn Tepanier 16.20h Lyndon Institute
19. 9 Annie Doucet 16.50h Lake Region Union
20. 9 Naya Sanborn 16.60h St Johnsbury
21. 9 Ally Corrow 16.70h PR St Johnsbury
22. 10 Shawna Columbia 16.80h SR Lake Region Union
23. 10 Sofya Grozinina 17.10h PR St Johnsbury
24. 9 Aurora Martin 18.30h PR Enosburg Falls
11 Victoria Ferro DNF St Johnsbury
9 Maddie Riggie DNF St Johnsbury
12 May Hanlon DNF North Country Union
200 Meters Varsity - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 11 Katherine Cowan 27.00h SR St Johnsbury
2. 11 Grace Cooke 27.40h SR St Johnsbury
3. 9 Alexis Lefaivre 27.70h PR North Country Union
4. 12 Quinnae Outerbridge 28.40h PR St Johnsbury
5. 10 Riley Higgs 28.70h SR St Johnsbury
6. 12 Hannah Ryan 29.10h SR St Johnsbury
7. 9 Sydney Strohm 29.70h PR St Johnsbury
8. 9 Emma Nadeau 29.80h PR North Country Union
9. 11 Valeria Perez 30.30h PR St Johnsbury
10. 11 Lara Spadoto 30.70h St Johnsbury
11. 12 Dehlia Wright 30.80h North Country Union
12. 12 Karolina Pokorna 30.90h PR Lyndon Institute
13. 11 Mariah Kimball 31.00h SR Lyndon Institute
14. 9 Allyson Harris 31.20h PR North Country Union
15. 11 Melodee Martin 31.30h North Country Union
16. 9 Josie Moulton 31.70h PR St Johnsbury
17. 12 Athena Hendrick-Kelly 31.80h SR St Johnsbury
18. 11 Jocelyn Pike 31.90h Lyndon Institute
19. 10 Callahan Beck 32.30h PR St Johnsbury
20. 9 Maddie Riggie 32.40h PR St Johnsbury
21. 10 Ryan Beloin 32.50h North Country Union
22. 9 Ruby Bunnell 32.90h PR North Country Union
23. 9 Jaedyn Wade 33.70h PR Lyndon Institute
24. 9 Maria Manuela Dipace-Martinez 34.10h PR Lyndon Institute
25. 9 Kamryn Tepanier 35.10h Lyndon Institute
26. 11 Delaney Smith 35.60h SR North Country Union
27. 9 Ally Corrow 35.70h PR St Johnsbury
28. 10 Sofya Grozinina 36.00h PR St Johnsbury
11 Victoria Ferro DNS St Johnsbury
9 Kayla Talbot DNS St Johnsbury
9 Charlotte LaPlant DNS Lyndon Institute
11 Olivia LeBlanc DNS Lake Region Union
11 Siniah Yates-Moses DNS St Johnsbury
10 Autumn Walsh DNS Lake Region Union
11 Frances Holderby DNS St Johnsbury
11 Grace Winick DNS North Country Union
10 Emily Langham DNS St Johnsbury
400 Meters Varsity - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 10 Riley Higgs 1:05.90h St Johnsbury
2. 11 Loren Searles 1:07.10h SR North Country Union
3. 11 Emily Colby 1:08.10h SR Lyndon Institute
4. 12 Rachel Petzoldt 1:08.80h SR North Country Union
5. 9 Sydney Strohm 1:09.40h St Johnsbury
6. 10 Katie Neuharth 1:11.00h St Johnsbury
7. 11 Mariah Kimball 1:11.10h Lyndon Institute
8. 10 Olivia Berthiaume 1:11.60h PR North Country Union
9. 11 Chelsea Daigle 1:12.00h SR North Country Union
10. 9 Morgan Eames 1:13.10h St Johnsbury
11. 12 Emily Klar 1:14.50h SR Lake Region Union
12. 9 Kaitlyn Verge 1:15.50h PR Lake Region Union
13. 10 Ryan Beloin 1:16.30h SR North Country Union
14. 9 Jaedyn Wade 1:19.50h Lyndon Institute
12 Quinnae Outerbridge DNS St Johnsbury
11 Siniah Yates-Moses DNS St Johnsbury
800 Meters Varsity - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 12 Avery Ellis 2:26.40h PR North Country Union
2. 10 Rebecca Green 2:32.50h PR St Johnsbury
3. 10 Rory Young 2:42.70h SR St Johnsbury
4. 10 Claire Ellis 2:45.40h SR North Country Union
5. 9 Grace Miller 2:45.90h PR North Country Union
6. 9 Peyton Gilson 2:46.00h PR North Country Union
7. 9 Jasmin Baillargeon 2:47.00h PR Lyndon Institute
8. 11 Monica Lawyer 2:51.00h SR Enosburg Falls
9. 11 Michelle Keon 2:54.00h PR Lyndon Institute
10. 9 Makayla Poulin 2:57.00h PR North Country Union
11. 12 Ashley Darrell 2:59.00h PR Lyndon Institute
1500 Meters Varsity - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 11 Zosia Prince 5:32.30h Lyndon Institute
2. 9 Peyton Gilson 5:53.40h PR North Country Union
3. 9 Charlotte Mosedale 6:01.00h PR Lyndon Institute
4. 9 Morgan Eames 6:05.00h PR St Johnsbury
5. 9 Makayla Poulin 6:06.00h PR North Country Union
6. 9 Nora Heffernan 6:06.10h St Johnsbury
7. 12 Ashley Darrell 6:12.00h PR Lyndon Institute
8. 10 Alexis Collins 6:15.00h PR St Johnsbury
11 Annie Cunningham DNS St Johnsbury
3000 Meters Varsity - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 11 Annie Cunningham 11:57.40h St Johnsbury
2. 11 Zosia Prince 12:09.00h Lyndon Institute
3. 11 Monica Lawyer 12:33.50h SR Enosburg Falls
4. 9 Jasmin Baillargeon 12:44.50h PR Lyndon Institute
5. 9 Charlotte Mosedale 13:01.00h PR Lyndon Institute
100m Hurdles - 33" Varsity - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 10 Jen Rotti 16.60h PR St Johnsbury
2. 11 Abigail Mattoon 17.30h PR Lyndon Institute
3. 9 Sadie Chapman 18.00h PR St Johnsbury
3. 12 Alyssa Leonard 18.00h PR Lyndon Institute
5. 10 Kameron Gallant 18.90h PR Lyndon Institute
5. 9 Hannah Davis 18.90h PR St Johnsbury
7. 11 Cortnee Keefer 19.30h SR Lyndon Institute
8. 10 Stephanie Pinkerton 19.60h PR Lyndon Institute
9. 10 Aidan Hale 19.70h PR Lyndon Institute
10. 11 Chelsea Daigle 20.70h PR North Country Union
11. 9 Naya Sanborn 21.70h PR St Johnsbury
12. 11 Delaney Smith 22.00h PR North Country Union
13. 10 Alexis Collins 23.10h St Johnsbury
14. 9 Sydney Strohm 23.30h St Johnsbury
9 Charlotte LaPlant DNF Lyndon Institute
11 Grace Winick DNF North Country Union
300m Hurdles - 30" Varsity - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 11 Siniah Yates-Moses 53.70h St Johnsbury
2. 12 Alyssa Leonard 53.90h Lyndon Institute
3. 10 Camryn Heath 55.40h PR Lyndon Institute
4. 9 Sadie Chapman 55.50h PR St Johnsbury
5. 9 Allyson Harris 57.40h PR North Country Union
6. 10 Kameron Gallant 58.70h PR Lyndon Institute
7. 10 Aidan Hale 59.70h SR Lyndon Institute
7. 11 Cortnee Keefer 59.70h Lyndon Institute
9. 10 Stephanie Pinkerton 1:01.10h Lyndon Institute
10. 12 Anica Koontz-Miller 1:02.10h PR North Country Union
11. 10 Alexis Collins 1:05.30h St Johnsbury
11 Grace Winick DNS North Country Union
11 Abigail Mattoon DNS Lyndon Institute
4x100m Relay Varsity - Finals
PL YR - Mark Team
1 Chelsea Daigle 56.20h North Country Union
2 Mariah Kimball 56.80h Lyndon Institute
3 Valeria Perez 57.70h St Johnsbury
4 Autumn Walsh 1:02.10h Lake Region Union
5 Charlize Badger 1:08.80h Lake Region Union
4x400m Relay Varsity - Finals
PL YR - Mark Team
1 Annie Cunningham 4:24.10h St Johnsbury
2 Quinnae Outerbridge 4:26.20h St Johnsbury
3 Grace Cooke 4:31.60h St Johnsbury
4 Loren Searles 4:35.60h North Country Union
5 Rebecca Green 4:39.00h St Johnsbury
6 Emily Colby 4:48.00h Lyndon Institute
7 Kayla Talbot 4:59.00h St Johnsbury
8 Nora Heffernan 5:25.00h St Johnsbury
8 Emily Klar 5:25.00h Lake Region Union
Emily Langham
Valeria Perez
Bridget Webber
Sofya Grozinina DNS St Johnsbury
Sadie Chapman
Katie Neuharth
Alexis Collins
Maddie Riggie DNS St Johnsbury
4x800m Relay Varsity - Finals
PL YR - Mark Team
1 Callahan Beck 10:54.00h St Johnsbury
2 Annie Cunningham 11:04.00h St Johnsbury
3 Loren Searles 11:06.00h North Country Union
4 Emily Colby 12:17.00h Lyndon Institute
Shot Put - 4kg Varsity - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 10 Camryn Heath 34-02.00 SR Lyndon Institute
2. 12 Zea Macris 32-06.50 SR Lyndon Institute
3. 9 Sydney Smith 28-11.50 PR Lyndon Institute
4. 10 Mallory Lancaster 28-06.50 SR North Country Union
5. 12 Maranda Ruggles 28-04.00 PR Lyndon Institute
6. 9 Mikaela Strempko 26-06.00 PR Lyndon Institute
7. 9 Kayla Talbot 26-01.00 PR St Johnsbury
8. 12 Emily Klar 25-01.00 PR Lake Region Union
9. 11 Hannah Wescott 24-08.00 PR St Johnsbury
10. 10 Calah Gaiolini 22-10.00 North Country Union
10. 12 Katey Harris 22-10.00 Lyndon Institute
12. 10 Emily Langham 22-01.50 St Johnsbury
13. 12 Sierra Tremblay 21-11.50 North Country Union
14. 11 Catherine Close 21-10.00 Lake Region Union
15. 10 Randi Barry 21-08.00 Enosburg Falls
16. 9 Brezee Lalime 21-00.50 PR Lake Region Union
17. 12 Athena Hendrick-Kelly 20-07.00 St Johnsbury
18. 10 Emma Downs 20-05.50 PR Lake Region Union
18. 9 Kristen Watters 20-05.50 PR North Country Union
20. 11 Bridget Webber 20-02.00 St Johnsbury
21. 9 Marissa Simpson 19-09.00 North Country Union
22. 11 Kyra Jewett 19-05.50 Enosburg Falls
23. 9 Ally Corrow 19-04.50 St Johnsbury
24. 11 Frances Holderby 19-02.00 St Johnsbury
25. 11 Olivia LeBlanc 19-00.50 PR Lake Region Union
26. 9 Mady Decker 18-09.00 PR Enosburg Falls
27. 9 Mercedez Hodgdon 18-02.00 North Country Union
10 Anne Potter DNS North Country Union
Discus - 1kg Varsity - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 10 Camryn Heath 94-00 SR Lyndon Institute
2. 11 Catherine Close 84-09.50 SR Lake Region Union
3. 9 Kayla Talbot 80-03.50 PR St Johnsbury
4. 9 Mikaela Strempko 75-05 PR Lyndon Institute
5. 10 Emily Langham 71-09.50 PR St Johnsbury
6. 10 Calah Gaiolini 71-08.50 North Country Union
7. 12 Maranda Ruggles 71-06.50 PR Lyndon Institute
8. 10 Mallory Lancaster 69-09 PR North Country Union
9. 12 Sierra Tremblay 65-11 PR North Country Union
10. 10 Randi Barry 65-05 SR Enosburg Falls
11. 12 Anica Koontz-Miller 64-09.50 PR North Country Union
12. 11 Bridget Webber 64-09 St Johnsbury
13. 10 Emily Bartholomew 60-11 PR Enosburg Falls
14. 12 Katey Harris 60-09.50 Lyndon Institute
15. 9 Sydney Smith 60-07 Lyndon Institute
16. 11 Frances Holderby 60-00 St Johnsbury
17. 9 Marissa Simpson 59-06.50 North Country Union
18. 12 Emily Klar 57-07.50 SR Lake Region Union
19. 11 Olivia LeBlanc 51-06 Lake Region Union
20. 11 Sarah McAllister 49-04 PR Enosburg Falls
21. 9 Kristen Watters 44-02 North Country Union
22. 9 Mercedez Hodgdon 42-07 North Country Union
23. 9 Aurora Martin 39-05.50 Enosburg Falls
24. 9 Mady Decker 30-04.50 PR Enosburg Falls
9 Charlotte LaPlant DNS Lyndon Institute
10 Anne Potter DNS North Country Union
Javelin - 600g Varsity - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 11 Catherine Close 97-11 SR Lake Region Union
2. 12 Zea Macris 97-07 SR Lyndon Institute
3. 10 Neva Bostic 92-03 St Johnsbury
4. 11 Kyra Jewett 86-07 SR Enosburg Falls
5. 10 Emily Bartholomew 82-00 Enosburg Falls
6. 10 Randi Barry 69-06 SR Enosburg Falls
7. 12 Maranda Ruggles 69-04 PR Lyndon Institute
8. 9 Mikaela Strempko 68-01 PR Lyndon Institute
9. 9 Kayla Talbot 66-05 PR St Johnsbury
10. 10 Mallory Lancaster 64-07 PR North Country Union
11. 11 Grace Cooke 63-03 SR St Johnsbury
12. 9 Maddie Riggie 62-10 PR St Johnsbury
13. 12 Katey Harris 61-00 Lyndon Institute
14. 10 Charlize Badger 60-05 Lake Region Union
15. 11 Frances Holderby 54-07 St Johnsbury
16. 12 Athena Hendrick-Kelly 53-10 St Johnsbury
17. 12 Anica Koontz-Miller 53-08 North Country Union
18. 10 Calah Gaiolini 50-01 North Country Union
19. 10 Shawna Columbia 46-07 SR Lake Region Union
20. 10 Emily Langham 42-10 St Johnsbury
21. 10 Autumn Walsh 42-08 SR Lake Region Union
22. 9 Mady Decker 39-11 Enosburg Falls
9 Ally Corrow DNS St Johnsbury
9 Josie Moulton DNS St Johnsbury
9 Charlotte LaPlant DNS Lyndon Institute
10 Anne Potter DNS North Country Union
10 Rory Young DNS St Johnsbury
High Jump Varsity - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 11 Katherine Cowan 4-10.00 St Johnsbury
2. 11 Grace Cooke 4-06.00 SR St Johnsbury
2. 12 May Hanlon 4-06.00 PR North Country Union
2. 9 Josie Moulton 4-06.00 PR St Johnsbury
5. 10 Rebecca Green 4-04.00 St Johnsbury
6. 10 Claire Ellis 4-00.00 PR North Country Union
6. 12 Alyssa Leonard 4-00.00 Lyndon Institute
10 Olivia Berthiaume DNS North Country Union
Pole Vault Varsity - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 11 Hannah Wescott 9-06.00 PR St Johnsbury
2. 10 Lia Rotti 8-08.50 PR St Johnsbury
3. 11 Annie Cunningham 7-00.00 St Johnsbury
4. 12 Avery Ellis 6-06.00 PR North Country Union
5. 11 Siniah Yates-Moses 6-00.00 St Johnsbury
5. 10 Emily Bartholomew 6-00.00 Enosburg Falls
5. 9 Charlotte Mosedale 6-00.00 PR Lyndon Institute
8. 10 Calah Gaiolini 5-06.00 PR North Country Union
8. 10 Callahan Beck 5-06.00 St Johnsbury
10 Camryn Heath DNS Lyndon Institute
11 Loren Searles DNS North Country Union
12 Anica Koontz-Miller DNS North Country Union
Long Jump Varsity - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 10 Lia Rotti 15-10.25 St Johnsbury
2. 10 Jen Rotti 15-03.25 SR St Johnsbury
3. 12 Hannah Ryan 14-07.00 St Johnsbury
4. 12 Quinnae Outerbridge 14-02.00 St Johnsbury
5. 9 Alexis Lefaivre 13-10.00 North Country Union
6. 9 Hannah Davis 13-02.50 PR St Johnsbury
7. 12 May Hanlon 13-02.00 PR North Country Union
8. 10 Aidan Hale 12-04.00 SR Lyndon Institute
8. 9 Grace Miller 12-04.00 North Country Union
10. 11 Sarah McAllister 12-02.00 Enosburg Falls
11. 9 Brezee Lalime 10-11.00 Lake Region Union
12. 11 Brooklyn Szych-Brown 10-10.00 SR North Country Union
13. 9 Kaitlyn Verge 9-09.50 PR Lake Region Union
14. 11 Melodee Martin 9-06.75 North Country Union
Triple Jump Varsity - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 10 Lia Rotti 34-08.00 St Johnsbury
2. 10 Jen Rotti 33-11.50 PR St Johnsbury
3. 12 Hannah Ryan 30-05.75 SR St Johnsbury
4. 12 Alyssa Leonard 29-01.00 Lyndon Institute
5. 9 Josie Moulton 27-00.00 St Johnsbury
6. 9 Grace Miller 26-00.00 PR North Country Union
7. 11 Sarah McAllister 25-00.00 SR Enosburg Falls
11 Brooklyn Szych-Brown DNS North Country Union
10 Kameron Gallant DNS Lyndon Institute