Middle School Boys Results

Mens 3,000 Meters Middle School Team Scores
  Pl Team                           Points                                 
  1  Hanover Parks and Rec (HPR)        32 
  2  First Branch                       55 
  3  U-32                               61 
  4  Hartford                           98 
  5  Barre City Elementary             131 

Mens 3,000 Meters Middle School Results
  Pl Athlete                   Yr Team                           Time
   1 Isaac McNaughton           8 Weathersfield                  9:21 
   2 Miles Lawrence             8 First Branch                  10:13 
   3 Calvin Winters             8 U-32                          10:20 
   4 Alexander Collins          8 Hanover Parks and Rec (       10:34 
   5 Yosh Bardach               8 Hanover Parks and Rec (       10:40 
   6 Zac Amber                  7 First Branch                  10:41 
   7 Oliver Krivitzky           7 Hanover Parks and Rec (       10:44 
   8 Leo Synder                 7 Hartford                      10:45 
   9 Dylan Faris                7 Hanover Parks and Rec (       10:55 
  10 Jack Burke                 8 Windsor                       11:01 
  11 Garth Kurts                7 U-32                          11:13 
  12 Owen Weed                  6 First Branch                  11:14 
  13 Bennett Greenway           6 Hanover Parks and Rec (       11:36 
  14 Miles Molina               7 Hanover Parks and Rec (       11:43 
  15 Carlin Jacques             7 Barre City Elementary         11:51 
  16 Hans Hilton                6 Hanover Parks and Rec (       11:52 
  17 Wolf Cornwall              7 U-32                          12:01 
  18 David Crocco               7 Hartford                      12:10 
  19 Alex Ostrom                5 Weathersfield                 12:12 
  20 Paul Ku                    8 Northfield                    12:25 
  21 Rocky Bardach              6 Hanover Parks and Rec (       12:26 
  22 Levi Koger                 7 U-32                          12:27 
  23 Asher White                7 White River Valley            12:28 
  24 Isaac Nadzam               7 U-32                          12:29 
  25 Harlan Wright              7 First Branch                  12:34 
  26 Nicholas Magana            8 Randolph Union                12:37 
  27 Eli Kraemer                7 First Branch                  12:39 
  28 Caleb Root                 5 Weathersfield                 12:54 
  29 Rowan Lawrence             6 First Branch                  13:00 
  30 Leo DiLorenzo              6 Hartford                      13:01 
  31 Boon Roberts               6 Hanover Parks and Rec (       13:02 
  32 Nat Holland                7 Woodstock Union               13:43 
  33 Wendell Gershon            6 Randolph Union                13:44 
  34 Desmond Greenway           8 Hanover Parks and Rec (       13:47 
  35 Bentley Bonneville         7 Green Mountain                13:49 
  36 Emmett Hellein             7 Barre City Elementary         13:50 
  37 Teagan Torrens-Martin      8 U-32                          13:51 
  38 Douglas Kussius            7 Hartford                      13:52 
  39 Sterling Miller            8 Northfield                    14:07 
  40 Christopher Eckart Bani    8 U-32                       14:20.36 
  41 Alexander Astley           7 Hanover Parks and Rec (    14:20.58 
  42 Emil Tadlock               6 Hanover Parks and Rec (       14:23 
  43 Noah Smolin                6 Hanover Parks and Rec (       14:32 
  44 Brennan Punchar            6 First Branch                  14:40 
  45 Aguer Akot                 8 White River Valley          14:44.0 
  46 Eli Grote                  6 First Branch               14:44.45 
  47 Coop Ackerman              6 First Branch               14:44.64 
  48 Saul Hensel-Whalen         5 Weathersfield                 15:07 
  49 Zig Nepomuceno             7 Riverside                     15:15 
  50 Charles Zitka              6 Hartford                   15:41.15 
  51 Nathaniel Jenne            7 Woodstock Union            15:41.73 
  52 William Roane              8 Hanover Parks and Rec (       15:53 
  53 Clive Lemieux              8 Hartford                      15:54 
  54 Thomas Packed              5 Barre City Elementary         16:04 
  55 Leo Wellborn               7 Hanover Parks and Rec (       16:21 
  56 Jackson Swasey             6 Hartford                      16:33 
  57 Dashell Luedtke            7 Randolph Union                17:19 
  58 Josh Bagatell              7 Hanover Parks and Rec (       17:29 
  59 Karl Preus                 8 Barre City Elementary         19:34 
  60 Tayden Pope                5 Barre City Elementary         19:35 
  61 Simon Otten                5 Barre City Elementary         19:36 
  62 Augustus Tucker            7 Woodstock Union               19:41 
  63 Leland Ziglebaum           5 First Branch                  20:00 
  64 Dexter Maxell Crosby       8 Hartford                      21:42 
  65 Sergio Coloo               6 Northfield                    22:25 
  66 John Sanderson             7 Hartford                      22:36 
  67 Sam Zimnick                8 Hartford                      22:37 
  68 Finn Conner                8 U-32                          22:56 
  69 Joseph Fontaine            5 Barre City Elementary         25:15