23rd Annual Woods Trail Run 2013 vs Thetford Academy Woods Trail Run 2010

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -557 1294 1851
Overall Average -41.05 23:34.84 24:15.90
1st-10th Place -14.59 16:51.80 17:06.39
1st-25th Place -10.47 17:20.24 17:30.71
1st-50th Place -9.18 17:40.24 17:49.42
1st-100th Place -8.78 18:06.30 18:15.08
Common Athletes -- -- 83
Ran Faster 67 75 8
Ran Season Best -60 23 83
Average Time -2:32.22 21:54.01 24:26.23
Median Time -2:36.04 21:20.00 23:56.04
Middle 80% Times -2:36.59 21:43.82 24:20.41
Top 10% Times -2:01.76 17:55.67 19:57.43
Top 25% Times -2:22.07 18:33.90 20:55.97
Top 50% Times -2:36.95 19:25.81 22:02.75
Bottom 50% Times -2:23.87 23:50.93 26:14.80
Bottom 25% Times -2:36.59 26:09.29 28:45.88
Bottom 10% Times -2:35.71 28:04.33 30:40.05
Average Difference -2:32.22 -- --
Median Difference -3:10.80 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -2:25.26 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:38.98 -- --
Top 50% Difference -2:21.06 -- --
Top 25% Difference -2:01.72 -- --
Top 50% Difference -2:21.06 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -2:44.31 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -3:17.64 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -4:06.05 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Christian Alvarado Fairfield Prep High School -3:43.85 16:04.00 19:47.85
Patrick Hickey South Burlington -2:28.22 17:16.00 19:44.22
Patrick Lynch Souhegan High School -1:52.42 17:27.00 19:19.42
Sam Puddicombe Stowe Middle/High School -3:05.75 18:12.00 21:17.75
Kevin Moynihan E.O. Smith High School -3:28.38 18:23.00 21:51.38
Michael Hoffert U-32 High School (Uhsd #32) -4:15.46 18:24.00 22:39.46
Erik James Essex High School -2:12.52 18:30.00 20:42.52
Autumn Eastman Champlain Valley Union High School -4:22.74 18:32.00 22:54.74
Sean Healey Burlington High School -2:49.03 18:33.00 21:22.03
Nathan Brookhouse Whitinsville Christian -1:16.93 18:36.00 19:52.93
Ben Massa Souhegan High School -3:21.55 18:37.00 21:58.55
Will Kyle St. Johnsbury Academy -3:04.51 18:47.00 21:51.51
Jake Van Buren Burlington High School -21.74 19:01.00 19:22.74
Jason Ball E.O. Smith High School -1:12.32 19:04.00 20:16.32
Aidan Hartswick Mt. Mansfield High School -3:10.28 19:05.00 22:15.28
Logan Landrum Souhegan High School -11:42.91 19:05.00 30:47.91
Kyle Bean Hampshire Regional High School -4:07.62 19:07.00 23:14.62
Pj Wright St. Johnsbury Academy -6:06.90 19:10.00 25:16.90
Simon Aborn Burr and Burton Academy -3:23.19 19:11.00 22:34.19
Mike Casey Souhegan High School -57.47 19:23.00 20:20.47
Ross Delabruere North Country Union -45.36 19:25.00 20:10.36
Jacob Ayers E.O. Smith High School -4:21.35 19:26.00 23:47.35
Brady Camplin Souhegan High School -1:59.37 19:29.00 21:28.37
Louis St. Pierre Champlain Valley Union High School -1:35.58 19:40.00 21:15.58
Thomas David-bashore U-32 High School (Uhsd #32) -3:56.78 19:41.00 23:37.78
Ethan Thibault Colchester High School -2:29.57 19:43.00 22:12.57
Nathan Casey Whitinsville Christian -1:34.23 19:47.00 21:21.23
Matt O'dowd Souhegan High School -3:38.77 19:49.00 23:27.77
Quinn Bornstein St. Johnsbury Academy -2:29.98 19:56.00 22:25.98
Matt Strano Mount Anthony Union High School -3:40.52 19:57.00 23:37.52
Brian Faye Oxbow High School -4:07.37 20:07.00 24:14.37
Jeremy Bauer Thetford Academy -3:36.04 20:20.00 23:56.04
Ted Grover Mt. Mansfield High School -1:42.11 20:25.00 22:07.11
Cameron Bourbeau Rice Memorial High School -3:45.54 20:36.00 24:21.54
Trevor Valcourt Timberlane High School -1:25.44 20:38.00 22:03.44
Robin Vincent St. Johnsbury Academy -2:23.67 20:39.00 23:02.67
Fiona Beltram Ponaganset High School -2:54.87 20:42.00 23:36.87
Zach Piper South Burlington -1:09.77 20:52.00 22:01.77
Duncan Scott Montpelier High School -3:27.02 20:59.00 24:26.02
Lauren Oligny Timberlane High School -3:10.80 21:00.00 24:10.80
Michela Martin E.O. Smith High School -2:16.44 21:06.00 23:22.44
John King Swampscott High School +2:24.18 23:44.00 21:19.82
Abby Epplett Whitinsville Christian -1:53.50 21:20.00 23:13.50
Keegan Cummings Mt. Mansfield High School -4:25.19 21:32.00 25:57.19
Oliver Pomazzi Brattleboro Union High School -2:12.48 21:47.00 23:59.48
Lucy Leith Burlington High School -2:23.80 21:48.00 24:11.80
Rory King Montpelier High School -9:05.98 22:00.00 31:05.98
Becca Kaufman E.O. Smith High School -1:40.43 22:02.00 23:42.43
Griffin Vanorder Burlington High School -5:40.11 22:07.00 27:47.11
Haddie Lary Randolph Union High School -1:30.76 22:09.00 23:39.76
Macy Towle St. Johnsbury Academy -3:54.10 22:11.00 26:05.10
Kestral Grevatt Champlain Valley Union High School -3:07.66 22:17.00 25:24.66
Lauren Miskovsky Burr and Burton Academy -2:38.46 22:22.00 25:00.46
Emma Forbes Burlington High School -1:48.67 22:24.00 24:12.67
Alex Blow Hampshire Regional High School -2:40.63 22:33.00 25:13.63
Myles Taylor Essex High School -4:15.85 22:37.00 26:52.85
Meghan Powers E.O. Smith High School -2:33.20 22:48.00 25:21.20
Keegan Heston Mt. Mansfield High School +2:43.53 25:36.00 22:52.47
Carly Caswell Champlain Valley Union High School +1:51.81 24:55.00 23:03.19
Thomas Hakey Bellows Free Academy-Fairfax +33.31 23:37.00 23:03.69
Emily Smith Mount Anthony Union High School -1:38.34 23:21.00 24:59.34
Natalie May Mount Abraham Union High School -1:03.00 23:36.00 24:39.00
Johny Moretti Bellows Free Academy-Fairfax -4:25.69 23:39.00 28:04.69
Kinsey Boudreau Mount Anthony Union High School -51.74 23:50.00 24:41.74
Kayla Perrotte South Burlington -3:32.73 23:57.00 27:29.73
Samantha Lopez Jackson Liberty HS -2:25.15 23:58.00 26:23.15
Sienna Mosher Essex High School -50.10 24:13.00 25:03.10
Chris Leslie Portland High School -4:00.10 24:22.00 28:22.10
Samantha Donovan South Burlington -2:27.11 24:25.00 26:52.11
Cammie Formby-lavertu Souhegan High School -48.81 24:27.00 25:15.81
Emily Barlow Mount Anthony Union High School -1:04.39 24:39.00 25:43.39
Emma Patriquin Hartford High School -4:25.89 24:50.00 29:15.89
Michelle Laconte Swampscott High School -2:33.29 25:32.00 28:05.29
Megan Mahoney Swampscott High School -2:15.90 25:42.00 27:57.90
Haley Mcdevitt Swampscott High School -2:57.89 26:06.00 29:03.89
Natalie Kenney Burlington High School -51.18 26:07.00 26:58.18
Kate Ahearn Mount Anthony Union High School +5.95 26:29.00 26:23.05
Julia Stein Springfield High School +5.12 26:52.00 26:46.88
Josh Cousineau Mount Abraham Union High School -4:44.05 26:47.00 31:31.05
Lilla Fortunoff U-32 High School (Uhsd #32) -25.27 28:42.00 29:07.27
Hannah Cosio Timberlane High School +17.21 29:21.00 29:03.79
Caroline Rose Essex High School +58.45 31:18.00 30:19.55
Markella Delude Northfield High School -4:48.10 30:57.00 35:45.10